Friday, September 5, 2008

In awe.


I am currently in Jonesboro, Arkansas visting my father!!! I'm so excited. I love it here and I miss my family so much, even though they are a little for lack of a better word incompetent sometimes. So we drove up last night, my dad came all the way to Louisiana. Well, on the way home, we stopped at Arby's. It was around two o'clock in the morning I believe. My stepsitster stated that she was voting for McCain, and that she hated Obama and I replied with Why? She made a statement that Obama was "A christian that believed in Abortion." She just thought that was horrid, and she said "I don't understand how you can be a Christian and agree with Abortion.." I'm really not much for politics, I do not like discussing them, because I always feel that people are going to look at me like I'm stupid because i'm only seventeen, or I will end up saying something stupid and that will contribute to the mindset "She's just a youngin, she doesn't know anything." And I personally hate that label. Anyway, to which I replied, "I believe in God, yet I still think abortion is okay in some instances." You should have seen the looks I got from my own father and my sister. After that, my dad just had to chime it, telling me bible verse after bible verse. I said "Well dad, you were just talking about getting drunk in Mexico an hour ago..The bible says 'don't drink to excess' " to which he replied "Yes, and I was wrong for doing that"--talking about the act of getting drunk. Well, I personally believe that if you think something it TRULY wrong, then why boast about it? Because thats what he was doing, he was boasting about drinking in Mexico. Why be proud of your sin? Yet he sat right across from the table and told me it was wrong and that abortion was wrong. After that little conversation we were on the road again, and as I was listening to some Coheed, I kept thinking about this conversation. After I said that I believed in abortion in some instances they both gawked at me and started arguing with, did not even ask me why or how or anything. I think God has blessed me with an open mind. I'm so happy that I am open and able to listen to other people, and try to understand things from their perspective, I truly am blessed. I only ask that I can work on this, and try to be more open minded, yet still voice my own opinion without sounding pushy or be annoying. I'm very grateful for the way I was raised, with my mother, who instilled in me to be this way, unlike my father. I know this is going to sound bad, because I am happy they reproduced to make me =] but sometimes I do not understand how she fell in love with this man. But I think everyone has that family or family member, that is close minded and it always has to be their own way. In my case, its just my dads whole side of the family...

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