Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I haven't the foggiest...(12)

In some ways the film, “The Golden Compass” has attacked Christianity, maybe even Catholicism. In the book, it is more apparent, to some, than when put into film. The movie was intended for young children, and had no real intention of brainwashing people into atheism. Philip Pullman is simply arguing that there should be a separation of church and political power. In the past, when churches have mixed with political power, bad things have happened, and Pullman’s opinion is clearly just that they should stay separate. In an interview with MSNBC, Pullman answers many questions from eager readers across the United States. One question read, what was on everyone’s minds: “How do you respond to the claim that your books are anti-Catholic and promote atheism?”
Pullman responds with “In the world of the story — Lyra’s world — there is a church that has acquired great political power, rather in the way that some religions in our world have done at various times, and still do (think of the Taliban in Afghanistan). My point is that religion is at its best — it does most good — when it is farthest away from political power, and that when it gets hold of the power to (for example) send armies to war or to condemn people to death, or to rule every aspect of our lives, it rapidly goes bad. Sometimes people think that if something is done in the name of faith or religion, it must be good. Unfortunately, that isn’t true; some things done in the name of religion are very bad. That was what I was trying to describe in my story.
I think the qualities that the books celebrate are those such as kindness, love, courage and courtesy too. And intellectual curiosity. All these good things. And the qualities that the books attack are cold-heartedness, tyranny, close-mindedness, cruelty, the things that we all agree are bad things.”
Clearly in this statement, Pullman conveys that “His Dark Materials” was not meant to promote atheism, and all Pullman truly wants is good for the church separate from the corruption of politics.

Friday, May 16, 2008

I can guide a missile by satellite(11)

Starting in June, I plan on celebrating my birthday (June Fourth), by being with my friends. After that I’m going to see my dad who lives in Jonesboro, Arkansas for about two weeks. Then I will return to the great state of Louisiana, but only for a short time. I will then embark on a trip to Panama City, Florida, with Morgan =]. After returning to Louisiana, I will continue working at the Library with Courtney, and maybe others, over the summer. On June thirtieth, Lizzie comes home from Germany, and I will be spending most of my time with her. She wants a big Fourth of July, so we might have a big barbecue and go watch fireworks at the levee. Later in July, I will be returning to my father’s house for two weeks. After that, school starts. In doing all of these activities I plan on intertwining reading a few books and maybe go to a concert or two. I also plan on having a few movie marathons, which include the back to the future series, Indiana Jones series, fight club, and a few others. My mom and I also plan on going to the beach for a few weekends, every now and then. Sounds like a good summer to me!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

for all the fans!

Monday, May 5, 2008


When the documentary "outfoxed" made its debut, the Fox news network had only four things they found wrong with it. Other than that Fox could be seen as accurately portrayed in this short documentary. Of the four, one was simply the name stated in a caption, referring to the West Coast Bureau, which should really be the Los Angeles Bureau. As you can see, the Fox news network found only miniscule details to refute. The bulk of the argument presented was mostly accurate. Robert Greenwald makes several points in this documentary. He states how the Fox news channel is a vital part for the Republican Party and how the media is basically campaigning for Bush. Whenever anyone that was a guest on the show, disagreed with something in a strong manner they were either cut off or told to “shut up.” This is highly inappropriate. The Fox News Network promotes one side of the story and that side only. They have no regard for presenting the truth, which in fact are both sides. One might refer to this act as yellow journalism. If a TV network is going to report the news at least let it be the whole truth, and not just what the network wants to promote. In a sense it seems like Fox has brainwashed society into believing only what they want us to believe, and that any other way is not right.
