Thursday, February 28, 2008

but we unleashed a lion(6)


A lot of times when kids listen to the radio or their own ipod, they have no idea what the song really means. The song Jeremy has been played nation-wide and was Pearl Jams third single on their debut album. The lead singer, Eddie Vedder, felt it necessary to make a point about how people can be tormented inside, and you may never know it. Jeremy, the song, presents a young boy who’s picked on by peers and has absent parents.
When writing this song, Vedder relates to one of his old classmates, as well as a young boy that felt the best revenge was to shoot himself in front of his peers. His tone throughout the song is very reminiscent and remorseful. Because of his tone, Vedder conveys to the audience that Jeremy was not just a crazy boy, but had real motive. He uses Aristotles mode of persuasion, Pathos, by appealing to the audiences emotions. The song states that “Daddy didn’t give affection, no…And the boy was something that mommy wouldn’t wear.” This lyric appeals to listeners emotions. The audience feels sympathy for the young boy who is troubled. Some listeners even feel empathy, being able to relate to Jeremy.
In an interview, Vedder explains that harming yourself is not at all a good way to gain revenge. The song Jeremy was meant to appeal to both sides of the conflict. To Jeremy, that he can come back better, and prove himself, rather than having a small paragraph in a newspaper about his death. To the teasing peers, that you never know what someone is dealing with. “There is power of life and death in the tongue,” and you must be careful of what you say and do.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I know I'm not your favorite record(5)

Well I guess one thing I can not say is that my writing is absolutely perfect in every way, because it is not. I think the best way to improve anyones writing is with practice. I also think that reading a lot helps with such things as vocabulary and grammar.
As far as my writing goes I think it is has its own pros and cons. Some pros would be that I can spell pretty well. I always made A’s in spelling. I can also organize information pretty well too. Some cons in my writing would be that I sometimes can not find the words I want to describe something. I just try to ease my way through the subject easily as possible. Also, I apparently have trouble with run-on sentences.
Writing has been something that has always been easy for me to do. I usually do not have trouble with it, but I have a feeling I might start.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Put your ear to the speaker(4)

Intelligence is not measured by the persons personality or merely by what they wear. Being knowledgeable is considered different things to different people. A person can be intelligent on many different levels. A human being that can sit, talk, and walk can be knowing, but not necessarily as much as others. To me there are two types of intelligence, one would be common sense, and the other book smart. A person who can survive in their surroundings and make things work for them is someone who has intelligence. One who might survive in the business world, but when placed in completely different surroundings may still be able to make things work would also be considered intelligent.