Wednesday, January 16, 2008

This is side one(1)

My name is Allyn Mallory. I live with just my mom here in Gonzales. I like music and reading. I don't think I go anywhere without a book or two, I guess it's either habit or precaution, the Twilight Series is the best, nothing can beat it. Right now I'm reading the Uglies series. I guess I would consider myself quiet and I tend to keep myself, on occasion I can be loud and opinionated. I'm going to marry Michael Cera on day. I enjoy oldies music along with some new alternative stuff. Favorite bands include Rise Against, Queen, Black Sabbath, The Beatles, and Green Day.
I have a few close friends, like Sean, Erin, Aly, Ninja, Morgan, Lizzie, she's in Germany right now, and Joshua. I like going to see musicals on stage, my favorite is Chicago. For my fifteenth birthday, my mom and I were in London and she surprised me with tickets to the show, I was ecstatic(No, I'm not spoiled, it was a one-time thing). I also like impressionism in art, Degas, Monet, Renoir..etc. I am going to LSU for college and I think I want to be an aeronautical engineer, but I'm still undecided. I love to travel, and experience new things, places, and people. I enjoy going to the park and swinging with Seanay.


Anonymous said...

I dig those bands. My favorite (of the ones you mentioned) is Green Day. Ever since DOOKIE, I've enjoyed their simples style. They've gone from stoner/slacker music to politically-charged protest rock. AMERICAN IDIOT is a masterpiece.

Morgan said...

HEY you stole my title, lol just kidding

ELee said...

Hey I think I'm gettin the hang of this thing, by the way I love your um page, blog thingy ma-jigg, whatever you call it.

Anonymous said...

I adore that picture. Definitely perfect for you, I think anyways. =P

Love you<3
-- Jenny Jane

DeathUntoPaperclips said...

I like it quite a bit my dear.