Thursday, March 21, 2013


Well it has begun. Yes, I am blogging again. I don't really know of any one that reads this but it is good for the soul. Lately my obsessions have been third eye blind, Fun., and Neil Young. They play a lot of Neil Young in Alaska. I also love taking pictures of the mountains. I moved to anchorage in January of 2013 and am REALLY finding myself. I have not smoked any pot since being up here and I like it. Bob Marley said something to the affect of the herb reveals yourself to you, but that is simply not true. It dulls down a version of yourself and discombobulates your head. I start school again after a year and a half of being out on May 20th. I'm nervous but excited to pursue something. I am going for my bachelors in Computer Science and my masters in Library Science. Pandora is my best friend right now and I get really lonely but I just have to remember to meet the right people. I got a job about a month ago at a substance abuse/mental health corp. Which is kind of ironic..but I enjoy it. I work in admin with records and my official title is the Prevention Assistant. I assist the Prevention Department. Which is funny because I am still smoking tobacco but I am down to less than four cigarettes a day! My stepdad and I drove up to Flat Top the other day and it was so breathtakingly beautiful. Third Eye Blind station on pandora is rad by the way..listening to it right now. I want to go camping, fishing, and just driving. I want to experience people and places and things. I feel so clear headed but yearn to get high again..but I know I can't without wanting it every day so I'm fighting it the best I can and doing well so far. We move into our HUGE ASS HOUSE soon and its lovely. People always say that college was the best time of their lives which really scares me because there are so many of us waiting for it to be over so our life can start. But what then? What do you do when you have achieved your goal? Right now I am focusing on enjoying life day by day and really appreciate this journey god has given me..I'm not sure why he gave it to me but I will find out one day. Thanks for reading.