Sunday, May 10, 2009


Being deeply involved with Mrs. Cockrum's English IV-AP class has made it almost impossible to do, read, enjoy life, etc. So here I am. It is five days before Graduation Day, which is slightly odd to me. Growing up I would say four years until my drivers license!! One year! But I never counted down to Graduation. Truthfully, I'm scared as fuck. I have no real desire to go to college, yet I am attending on account of nothing better to do.
This little world I've created that revolves around high school is slowly crumbling. Although I am glad to have more time to myself, with my friends, and to read (My own books)! I will miss being around those "friends"-definiton: people you get along with, but you only hang out with when you're forced to be together, in institutions such as high school. And the odd teachers at East Ascension High School will of course be missed.
Sean and I are together as always. We're actually dating again, which is strange, but he makes me happy, for the most part. Nintendo 64 has been our latest obsesssion, Mario Party 3!!
This summer will consist of working, at my wonderful library, traveling with friends, and visiting my family. I cannot wait to dive into several classic novels this summer. But first I have to finish Wuthering Heights (lol). Aly has a trip to texas planned for us, to visit her Mexican family, and I am very excited! Cheri, Aly, Lizzie, and I are planning a girls camping trip. And also a Florida trip for Cheri's birthday. Sean may or may not come to Arkansas with me this summer, I haven't really asked him yet, and i'm slightly scared to. But I do miss my family like crazy. I'm afraid everything is going to be different now that papa is gone.
It's strange that four years have flown by so quickly. What will life be like in college? Will I change drastically? I feel that I still have several life lessons ahead of me, and a lot of growing up to do, which is terrifying.