Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Movie

SO much to say so little time. The movie was pretty good. I was so ecstatic when I heard main lines. But a couple of times I actually thought,"wow, this is bad acting." I was being pretty analytical though. When I read it in the book, it was sweet and beautiful, but actually seeing it on film, was extremely cheesy. Although, Edward was a vision. When the Cullens walked into the cafeteria for the first time the whole theater gasped. He was flawless. Bella was flawless. I'm so proud of the cast. I just wished everything wasn't as rushed. They needed more time for Edward and Bella's relationship to develop. Hopefully I will see it again soon!! Got to go to work, more later.


Engulf Me

I have so much to say, yet so little time. Have you ever met someone that makes you feel so complete when your around them? I want to live, not drone or dwell. Going day to day and all I feel is nothing. What is wrong with me he asks? and yet I have no answer. But there is and I cannot explain it. So I do not talk, I stare, wondering how people live their lives differently than me. A drug, the yearning building up and over and incomplete. Spreads throughout my body, every inch covered , yet it is never enough. Why? Why? Why is it never enough? Just sedate me, to escape myself. Finally I will be free, but only momentarily, but for that sweet hour of laughing and hugging. Is it worth it? Then drained of all feeling. Shouting but still no one hears. Above all voices, mine is silenced and caged, and all I do is stare. Life will soon be over, bear with it. But for that joyous hour, live it. I wish every moment is this useless nothingness was as that sweet hour.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I tried to do handstands for you..

So i'm currently bored with the music I have and am searching whole heartedly for new stuff.