Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Come sit next to me...

I really enjoy the whole blog thing, thats not on myspace, so I think I will keep this one up. Now that this is not a school blog anymore, I will post whatever I want on here, without editing. Although I'm not sure what to blog about right now...I believe I will just ramble a bit.
I am currently listening to Weezer's "Blue Album." Tomorrow is my seventeenth birthday...where have the years gone? My mother gave me one of my presents tonight, because she has to work tomorrow. She got me a red velvet ice cream cake, for which I am very grateful. I just forgot to tell her I do not like strawberry ice cream, but it's all good, I will still eat it. She gave me acrillic paints, and some canvas'. I'm in love. I decided to start painting, whatever I feel like. I think I will also take up writing short stories again. The freedom just intrigues me. My aunt gave me a wonderful record player for my birthday, while I was in Arkansa, and again I am in love. Sinatra is amazing, and I never realized how much I really like his music. Right now I have about six or seven albums, that include frank, the beatles, doors, and a few others. I'm building up my collection, but I have been unable to make a trip to time warp lately. Everything on the friends front seems pretty okay. Sean and I are working on our whole relationship, as in just being friends, thing. Erin left for the summer. Lizzie comes home in twenty seven days. Ninja is leaving soon. Morgan is in Little Rock right now, but will be back soon. Courtney is good, but she needs to talk to me more, there is stuff she is not telling me.
What I realized the other day, this is the longest I have lived in one place. Okay, not really, but the friends I have now are the closest I have ever been to anyone. It's extremely strange. When you are young, you will be friends with anyone. If you have the same backpack or like the same ice cream. It is so simple. But now, it is hard work just to keep up friendships. I feel like i'm slipping away. And I honestly do not mind that much.
I am still listening to the blue album.."Only in Dreams" is playing. I rather like it, but I'm going to read for a bit.