Thursday, January 31, 2008

Drink down that Gin and Kerosene(3)

Every person has certain beliefs, which to them may contain truth. Not as generally, but to one person everything they know, or their knowledge, contains their own beliefs and their own truth. Different people have different knowledge, which has different truth, and thus different beliefs. But as the general public goes, the knowledge of the public could be true until proven wrong. For example Newton's Laws of Motion, is what we know to be true because no one has proven it wrong or altered the verifications for motion. Our own belief lies in our knowledge, and what we perceive of the knowledge we have been given to be truth. What we consider truth in our knowledge is most likely what we will believe in.
the end.

p.s: dear Mr. Hughes,
you should most deff go easy on me since I missed the class where we had this discussion =] yay, achievement points.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Let’s play this game called “when you catch fire” (2)

Most people see V for Vendetta as a fun and action packed film with defying motives, what people don’t realize is the underlying anarchist symbolism. Relating to a historical anarchist, Guy Fawkes, V, the main character intends to ingrain the fifth of November into the audiences minds.
In order to persuade followers and make London realize what the governments true intentions are, V has decided to broadcast a city-wide speech. Throughout this speech he argues his point quite well, presenting each type of argument and the three modes of persuasion.
V’s speech starts off as an introduction, relating to the people, and then continuing on how the fifth of November is an important date to remember. To begin persuasion, V, shows how he is just like them and not some crazy terrorist. V says he appreciates the comfort, security, and tranquility of the everyday life, “just like many of you do.” This relation exhibits the mode of persuasion, ethos, which establishes his credibility in that he is a normal everyday “bloke.”
He continues on with his speech to inform London that their own words cannot be silenced, that the citizens will always have the power of speech, to tell truth. V then questions the country and whether or not there is something wrong with the way it is being governed. This presents a forensic argument in that whether the country is being fair, or unjust to its people. It reminds the people of London that they still have the power, and can just obtain it by speaking up. V presents evidence by saying “men with guns will soon be on their way” which reveals the mode of persuasion, logos.
The brilliant anarchist then presents a forensic argument by saying “cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression.” An evaluation argument is also raised by the fact that he is saying that the people are guilty, which brings forth praise or blame upon themselves. This shows London how much their own freedom of speech has been taken away and how it is their own fault for falling silent and evolving into conformity. The form of persuasion, pathos, is introduced by instilling fear of being silent and perhaps the government.
Next, V goes on to say that the people of London had good reason for throwing away their own freedoms without realizing it. This brings about the argument, evaluation, internally within the audience dealing with whether or not their “silent, obedient consent” was the right thing to do. The purpose of showing London this argument is to exhibit how persuasive propaganda can be and without knowing it you can be caught up in something you didn’t realize was happening. The people of London were then under the mode of persuasion, pathos, because fear of “war, terror, disease” presented itself. Naturally the only logical thing to do at the time was to submit to the government to “rescue” them, which is the form of persuasion, logos.
Lastly, V presents all three types of arguments. He creates an evaluation argument for the people of London, on whether or not they should agree or disagree with him. Also V talks about justice and freedom being a perspective, which presents a forensic argument. Lastly he mentions to the audience that he wants the fifth of November to be a date everyone will remember. V asks the London people to join him in one year to create a memorable night, which is using the type of argument, means to an end. He uses the mode of persuasion, ethos by establishing his credibility as being the one who destroyed the Old Bailey. V also plays on the audiences emotions by using the form of persuasion, pathos.
In his short segment broadcast all over London, V seems to present a well-thought out argument. He uses persuasion and presents logic that the London people seemed to forget. V shows that he, along with them has forgotten what it was like enjoy the freedom of speech, and is desperate to obtain it back. He ingrains in the audiences minds the fifth of November, resembling Guy Fawkes, and brings about a much needed revolution.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

This is side one(1)

My name is Allyn Mallory. I live with just my mom here in Gonzales. I like music and reading. I don't think I go anywhere without a book or two, I guess it's either habit or precaution, the Twilight Series is the best, nothing can beat it. Right now I'm reading the Uglies series. I guess I would consider myself quiet and I tend to keep myself, on occasion I can be loud and opinionated. I'm going to marry Michael Cera on day. I enjoy oldies music along with some new alternative stuff. Favorite bands include Rise Against, Queen, Black Sabbath, The Beatles, and Green Day.
I have a few close friends, like Sean, Erin, Aly, Ninja, Morgan, Lizzie, she's in Germany right now, and Joshua. I like going to see musicals on stage, my favorite is Chicago. For my fifteenth birthday, my mom and I were in London and she surprised me with tickets to the show, I was ecstatic(No, I'm not spoiled, it was a one-time thing). I also like impressionism in art, Degas, Monet, Renoir..etc. I am going to LSU for college and I think I want to be an aeronautical engineer, but I'm still undecided. I love to travel, and experience new things, places, and people. I enjoy going to the park and swinging with Seanay.